2.6 Hyperthermia is a condition resulting from the body's exposure to extreme
cold environment resulting in the body temperature falling below 35°C.
2.7 Visual acuity describes the ability of the eye to adjust to a dark or light environment.
2.8 In terms of the Namibian Health and Safety regulations, it is mandatory/ compulsory
for anyone handling, manufacturing, selling or storing chemicals
to provide Material Safety Data Sheets for the chemical substances.
2.9 When dealing with noise, an increase of 3dB will result in the doubling of
sound energy.
2.10 A health and safety representative can legally be held jointly liable with the
Chief Executive Officer for the company's health and safety negligence.
(10 MARKS)
3.0 Match the terms in Column A with the most appropriate phrase or description in Column B.
Column A
3.1 Luminance
3.2 Audiometric
3.3 Glare
3.4 Bradypnoea
3.5 Tinnitus
3.6 Illumination
3.7 Octave Band
3.8 Heat stroke
3.9 Physical half
3.10 Hypothermia
Column B
A Reduction of breathing rate to below 12 breaths per
B Ringing or buzzing noise in ears following exposure to
high noise levels.
C The luminous flux that strikes a unit area.
D Thermoregulatory failure resulting in core body
temperature rising over 41 °c.
E Condition in which the core body temperature drops to
below the required or normal body temperature due to
cold stress.
F Brightness within the field of vision exceeding the
general level of brightness.
G Amount of light reflected by a unit area surface. Also
known as brightness.
H Period required for one half of a radioactive material to
I Checks for hearing threshold shift or loss in persons
exposed to noise.
J Sound frequency analysis.