4.1 You are the newly appointed Warden for NamibRand Nature Reserve; you are to rent (10)
a 3000-ha portion of the reserve for the following year and want to know how many
springboks can sustainably be stocked on this portion. A grass biomass assessment
indicated that the farm has on average 600 kg dry grass material per ha. An average
springbok in this reserve eats 2 kg of dry grass per day.
Assuming a utilization factor of 0.35, how many hectares are required per springbok (4)
on this farm?
4.2 How many springboks can be stocked sustainably on this reserve?
4.3 A new private game reserve has been established in Omaheke region, as a recent
NRM graduate, you have been asked to assist in setting up the stocking rate for the
game reserve.
What factors do you need to consider when setting up a stocking rate?
5.1 Discuss the ecological importance of prescribed fire in rangelands.
6.1 Grazing value is an important aspect of forage resources. Name and clearly describe (12)
the six aspects of the grazing value
6.2 What can be concluded regarding the grazing status of a rangeland if you find a lot (2)
(a) Increaser I grasses
(b) Increaser II grasses
6.3 Name 6 grass species that make up the "Namibian six-pack" grasses.
7.1 Adaptive management is critical to the success of natural resources management,
discuss the relevance of Adaptive management in conservation.
8.1 Explain the factors that determine animals' habitat preference.