(10 MARKS)
Assess the following statements and decide whether they are true or false. Write only the
number of the question and next to it indicate your answer as true or false in the ANSWER
BOOK. (Each question carries 1 mark)
2.1 On the food pyramid, food groups at the base of the pyramid should consumed less.
2.2 Potassium is the most important inorganic compound in the body.
2.3 It is not recommended to increase protein and fat intake for HIV positive individuals.
2.4 Breastfeeding is not recommended for HIV positive mothers due to high risk of mother-
baby transmission.
2.5 Poverty and malnutrition form a vicious cycle.
2.6 The asymptomatic phase of HIV does not involve muscle wasting.
2.7 The window of opportunity of child can also be referred to as the first 1000 days.
2.8 Alcohol can be metabolised and stored in the body.
2.9 Diet quality is determined based on the type of food consumed and not necessarily
balance of nutrients.
2.10 The waist circumference is measured at the level above the umbilicus.
3.1 Explain the following terms and concepts.
3.1.1 Stunting.
3.1.2 Wasting.
3.1.3 Malnutrition.
3.1.4 Underweight.
3.1.5 Nutritional status.
3.2 Explain the steps followed in determining the height of children
below 2 years.
{40 MARKS)