Question 1
[20 Marks]
In the tourism sector, particularly in hospitality businesses, custom·ers are often
unfortunate to encounter substandard service, which results in disappointments,
complaints and, ultimately, loss of sales in favour of competitors (Kanyan, Ngana &
Voon, 2016). In reference to the above statement, elaborate further on the nature and
characteristics of the tourism and ~hospitality industry in relation to quality service
delivery and what role do employees in the tourism and hospitality sector play in quality
service delivery?
Question 2
[20 Marks]
Customer satisfaction has been a popular topic in marketing literature. As a quality
service consultation hired by Gondwana Collection. Come up with quality service
guidelines to improve service delivery at their establishments, by applying the
Question 3
[20 Marks]
Quality management has been conceptualized using the expectancy disconfirmation
theory (Barsky, 1992; Oh and Parks, 1997; McQuitty, Finn and Wiley, 2000). Apply this
theory to a tourism and hospitality business to make us understand better, customer
Question 4
[20 Marks]
Customer behavior is one of the factors that influences customer satisfaction (Mim and
Ferdous, 2021). As a restaurant manager, how would you assesscustomer behavior to
determine guest satisfaction. In your argument elaborate further on some of the factors
that determines customer satisfaction in a restaurant setting.
Question 5
[20 Marks]
Draw up guidelines for lodge managers to ensure that their employees are empowered
to offer quality services at Namibia Wildlife Resorts.
Question 6
[20 Marks]
6.1 Discussfive aspects of the management approaches in quality service management?
(10 Marks)
6.2 Apply the management approaches to a tourism and hospitality business in Namibia
according to literature from the scholar Hwang and Lockwood (2006). (10 Marks)