Question 1 (25 marks]
(a) Upon slow cooling a plain carbon steel 1080 contains 100% pearlite at room temperature.
Since pearlite is a eutectoid mixture of ferrite and cementite, calculate the weight
percentage of cementite and the weight percentage of ferrite in pearlite in a typical steel
1080. Make use of the Lever Rule and the Fe-C Equilibrium Diagram (see Appendix 1) [16]
(b) A Lab technician prepared three samples of steels: (i) a hypoeutectoid plain carbon steel
after slow cooling; (ii) a hypereutectoid plain carbon steel after slow cooling under the same
conditions; (iii) an austenitic stainless steel. Unfortunately, he failed to label the samples
properly. Suggest simple yet effective method to identify which sample is made of which
steel, with the aid of a magnet and a hardness tester. Please note that metallographic
microscope is out of operation.
Question 2 (25 marks]
A eutectoid plain carbon steel of 1080 type is commonly used for production of rails. It is
known that the railroads transporting mining products experience severe loading. In order to
produce rails with even higher hardness, wear resistance, and toughness, Japan Steel has
developed an advanced heat treatment schedule to form very fine pearlite in steel 1080. This
advanced schedule is featured in Figure Q2 together with two other treatments. With the aid
of Figure Q2 answer the following questions:
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Figure Q2. A Continuous Cooling Transformation diagram for steel 1080 with schematic
illustration of three heat treatment schedules: Vl, V2, and V3.
(a) Which line denotes the advanced heat treatment? Is it Vl or V2 or V3? Briefly explain
the benefits of this heat treatment.
(b) Briefly explain why the other two treatment schedules are not suitable for the
production of heavy loaded rails.
(c) Hadfield steel is distinguished by excellent hardness and toughness. Why is Hadfield
steel never used for rails? Give at least two reasons.