Question 1
1.1. What are the symptoms of salinity in fruit trees.
1.2. Give four (4) objectives of pruning.
1.3. Differentiate between Brack soil and Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC}?
1.4. What are the characteristics that are desired in the rootstocks used for fruit trees? (4)
Question 2
2.1. Delayed foliation is an abnormal physiological morphological condition if trees did not
receive enough cold in rest. Give any four (4) symptoms of delayed foliation.
2.2. Table grapes is the main production happening in the Orange River Valley, kindly give
the competitive advantage this production has.
2.3. Give five (5) advantages of producing crops under greenhouses or nurseries?
2.4. Discuss the hole preparation of date plants.
Question 3
3.1. Fruit flies are among the world's most serious pests; kindly explain the damage caused
by this pest.
-3.2. Give a simple classification of the different fruit types. Give an example of each. (6)
3.3. Make a distinction between the central leader and open center training system in apple
3.4. How does soil pH affects nutrient availability, soil microbes, and root growth?
Question 4
4.1. Describe how water potential, evapotranspiration, and stomata! regulation influences
transportation of water in fruit trees.
4.2. If one were to describe the temperature requirements of fruit trees one could say that
there are three basic types. Name these and give a short description of each.
4.3. Discuss the different deciduous fruit tree development stages.
4.4. Discuss how physical soil properties Influences the development of citrus trees.
3.5. You are given a one hector area at Swakopmund River Plots to farm with fruits and
vegetables, taking into consideration the soil and irrigation water quality decide on the fruits
and vegetables that you will grow and outline your management plan.
Total marks: 100