Question 2
Read the case study below and answer all the questions that follow.
Malan Customer Management company is driving towards a new direction and a new
company vision statement including the alignment with an effective performance
management system. Malan Customer Management is part of the United Africa Group.
The company provides clients with management customer services, contact centres and
collection services. In 2001 the company moved from being part of a utility company to
becoming an outsourced provider of services. With this change a new vision was created
centred around the phrase "great customer experiences through great people". The
company then sought to create a performance management system that could align the
staff skills and behaviours to the new vision and its strategic plan. Based on the need to
focus on customer service as primary to success. Malan sought to define, measure and
reward systems. Creating behaviour statements allowed employees to have a clear
understanding of how their work linked directly to the company's vision.
Adapted from Aguinis,2014
2.1. In your own view, do you regard the depicted scenario above as performance
management or performance appraisal? Justify your views.
Any other relevant justification
2.2. A well implemented performance management can make meaningful
contributions to the organisation if its aligned to a well-crafted strategic plan. The
behaviours, results and developmental plans of employees must be aligned with
the strategic plans components. Recommend several steps that Malan Customer
Management company should consider in creating a successful strategic plan
discussing them in detail linking them to the scenario?