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Answer two~ of the following questions.
Question 1
(25 marks)
Write an essay in which you explain the electronic mass media age, which is the
fourth age in the history of communication studied in this course. Also include in your
essay, your opinion and reasoning on whether you think that electronic mass media
have negative effects on rural and indigenous people today.
Question 2
(25 marks)
Write an essay in which you compare and contrast Shannon and Weaver's view of
the communication process with the transactional model of communication.
Question 3
(25 marks)
"Individuals have sets of needs that motivate their communication and responses to
With the aid of a relevant diagram, identify and explain each of Maslow's five
hierarchies of needs. Give examples to support your answer.
Question 4
(25 marks)
The following are components/elements of the communication process as outlined
by Steinberg(2007:pp 45-51): (a)communicator and recipient;(b) message; (c)sign;
(d)encoding and decoding; (e) medium and channel; (f) content level and relational
level; (g)interpretation; (h) noise; (i) feedback; U) context.
Describe any five (5) of the above components and explain why each component is
significant in the communication process.