1.1 Explain the term environmental sustainability.
1.2 Explain four reasons why many experts in environmental science think that human society
is not operating sustainably.
1.3 Differentiate between chemical energy and nuclear energy and give one example each.
1.4 Discuss the three component in solving environmental problems.
2.1 Describe the Hydrologic Cycle and explain how the cycle important to life on earth.
2.2 Explain how temperature changes with season.
2.3 Describe the layer of the atmosphere called the thermosphere and explain its importance
to humans on earth.
3.1 Differentiate between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation and give two example each.
3.2 You have been engaged by the ministry of mine and energy as an environmental
physicist. Discuss your advice to the minister, on safety the features of nuclear
power plant.
3.3 Explain the term radioactive decay.
3.4 Aradioactive material has a half-life of 10 hours. What fraction of the original radioactive
nuclei will remain after 30 hours?
4.1 Explain the term aerosol.
4.2 How is aerosol regarded as a nuisance in air and as a settled or deposited matter?
4.3 Describe a fog and explain its formation and give one effect to the environment.
4.4 Explain the effects of air pollution on weather.
4.5 How does wind affect the concentration of pollutant near a point of discharge?