1.6 The quality of reagent type water may be tested by the following methods, EXCEPT:
(A) Tested for resistance - poor conduction of electricity
(B) pH tested - should be pH= 7
(C) Colony counts - culture on selective and non-selective media
(D) Observed with the eye for impurities
1.7 Tasks related to the analysis of specimens by a MLS include the following, except:
(A) Carry out maintenance on instruments/ trouble shooting
(B) Calibrate laboratory equipment prior to testing
(C) Prepare reagents which might be needed to perform the test
(D) Dispose of hazardous material in the most convenient way
(E) Perform analytical procedures according to standard operating procedures
1.8 Our values as Medical Laboratory Scientists develop from the following except:
(A) Association with other people
(B) Life experiences
(C) The environment
(D) Rules and regulations imposed by others
(E) Within the self
1.9 A medical laboratory scientist finds a WBC count of 6000 cells per ul in a patient's blood.
Converted to the SI unit, the WBC count is the following:
6 X 106/L
6 X 103/L
(C) 6 X 109/L
6 X 10·9/L
1.10 Most of the errors in the lab occur in the following area of operation:
(A) Pre-analytical
(B) Analytical
(C) Post-analytical
(D) (a) and (c)
Assessthe following statements and decide whether they are true or false. Write only the number of
the question and TRUEor FALSEon your answer sheet.
2.1 In molecular diagnostics DNA or RNA can be extracted from a patient sample like plasma or
2.2 The Allied Health Professions Council is concerned with the service benefits and salaries of
practising medical technologists.
2.3 Blood donors are recruited e.g. in schools and in newspaper advertisements, and get paid for
their blood.