Question 1
The Economic Reform Programmes or Structural Adjustment Programmes of the 1980's were aimed
at strengthening and rebuilding the newly independent economies as per the ideology of the
International Financial Institutions. Although, Namibia was fortunate not to have experienced the
economic atrocity of economic policies imposed on most African countries at independence, the
economic situation of the country is changing significantly, causing concern for the economy to
sustain itself. Considering Namibia's current budget deficit and economic challenges, critically
analyse the impact of Economic Reform Programmes on Namibia's development agenda. In addition,
provide relevant and applicable recommendations.
Question 2
In the early 1960-1980 the understanding of development was purely based on the positive
transformation in the socio-economic circumstances of people. This narrow understanding of
development was replaced by the people-centred conception in the early 1980s with its main
intention of allowing the affected communities to meaningfully participate in the decision- making
process. Some advocates have argued that participation can be regarded as a means to
empowerment, whilst others have argued that participation is in itself empowerment. Which of the
two views in your opinion is most appropriate in the understanding of people-centred development
and why?
Question 3
The dependency and world system perspectives have been justifiably critical in the development
approaches in Africa. While these perspectives hold relevance to Africa, the social and psychological
dimensions that would impact on such perspectives should be carefully considered. Analyse the
implications of the social and psychological dimensions in Africa on the practical and effective
implementation of the dependency and world system theories in Africa.