Question 4
[10 marks]
Clearly distinguish between Oligopoly and Monopolistic competition with specific examples.
Question 5
[20 marks]
5.1 The selling price of a ballpoint pen is N$ 75-23 and the shopkeeper used a markup of 25-50.
What is the cost of the ballpoint pen?
(2 marks)
5.2 A calculator is sold for N$42-00, which is 140% of cost. How much is the store's cost?
(2 marks)
5.3 A car part dealer pays N$9.28 per 15 litres of windshield washer fluid and the markup is 33%
on selling price. Find the selling price.
(2 marks)
5.4 It's the end of the model year, and the new cars are about to arrive. The dealer decides to
reduce the price of the car you want from N$200 000-00 to N$185 000-00 to try to sell it before
the new cars arrive. What's the markdown percent?
(2 marks)
5.5 Penembo's starting price for her T-Shirts is N$ 130-95. If she wants to decrease her prices to
N$ 99.95, how much of a markdown in percentage does she need?
(2 marks)
5.6 Based on Question 5.5 above, what if Penembo wanted to calculate the T-shirt price based
on a percentage markdown? What if she wanted to only mark down her prices by 20%? How
much would her T-shirts cost then?
(2 marks)
5.7 The 30% discount on a tennis racket amounts to N$89-70. Compute the list/original selling
price and the net price after discounts.
(2 marks)
5.8 Jet stores can cover its cost and make a reasonable profit if it sells a shirt for N$ 125-55. At
what price should the article be listed so that a discount of 25% can be allowed?
(2 marks)
5.9 An item listed at N$150-00 is subject to the discount series 20%, 10%, and 5%.
Determine the net price.
(2 marks)
5.10 A retail kiosk has listed a pair of sunglasses for N$136-00 less 30%. A department store in
the shopping mall lists the same model for N$126-00 less 20%, less an additional 15%. What
additional rate of discount must the kiosk give to meet the department store price? (2 marks)
Question 6
[15 marks]
True or False Questions
Use the table provided on [page 6] to answer these questions. Detach and insert it into your
answer booklet. 1.5 mark will be awarded for each correct answer.
6.1 Converting percent markup on cost to percent markup on selling price:
% Ms = % markup on cost
100% - % markup on cost
6.2 Converting percent markup on selling price to percent markup on cost:
% Mc = % markup on selling price
X 100%
100% - Markup on cost