Question 1: Answer the following questions as it relates to how you would teach your trade
[15 marks]
a) Define learning according to any three (3) learning theories that you plan to use in your
(2x3=6 marks)
b) Explain the learning process of the three (3) learning theories that you mentioned in (a).
(3x3=9 marks)
Question 2: Answer the following questions as it relates to teaching philosophies [10 marks]
a) Define a teaching philosophy statement.
(1 mark)
b) Analyse the following teaching philosophy statements and mention which learning
theories influence them.
(3x3=9 marks)
i. My philosophy of education is that all children are unique and must have a
stimulating educational environment where they can grow physically, mentally,
emotionally, and socially. It is my desire to create this type of atmosphere where
students can meet their full potential. I will provide a safe environment where
students are invited to share their ideas and take risks.
a. I believe students of the 21st Century need more than just knowledge. Students
need to have critical and creative thinking skills so that they can compete for the
jobs of the future.
ii. One example of a teaching strategy that I often employ is the guided practice or
'I do, we do, you do' method.
Question 3: Name the learning theory that has influenced the following learning strategies.
[3x5=15 marks]
a) I use the mnemonic SMART(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-bound) to
teach my students how to write learning objectives.
b) I inform my students that if they score 80% in their homework from Monday to Thursday
correctly then they they are exempted from receiving homework over the weekend.
c) After I have shown my students how to solve the quadratic equation, I ask them to solve
the problem on their own, then sit next to their classmate and check each other's work. They
need to explain to each other how they got the answer and see if they have both got the same
answer. If the answers are different, they need to re-do the calculation. I walk around and
check their progress and assist where needed. Then I call one person from the class to come
to the board and solve the problem on the board.
d) I keep a suggestion box in my class where students are allowed to share their challenges
and questions once a month anonymously. I take it home and read what my students have
shared. I take note of their concerns. The next day, I discuss with the class how their concerns
can be best addressed. They feel happy that I care about their well being.