Question 1: Answer the following questions as it relates to how you would teach your trade
(15 marks]
a) Define learning according to any three {3) learning theories that you plan to use in your
(2x3=6 marks)
b) Explain the learning process of the three {3) learning theories that you mentioned in (a).
(3x3=9 marks)
Question 2: Answer the following questions as it relates to teaching philosophies (10 marks]
a) Define learning theory
(1 mark)
b) Analyse the following teaching philosophy statements and mention which learning
theories influence them.
{3x3=9 marks)
a. I write my lessons to skills from Bloom's Taxonomy
i. I embrace Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development {ZPD) as a key pedagogical
tool to ensure all students are taught content that is achievable yet challenging."
b. I encourage students to learn in groups because I believe conversation with
others helps students to express, challenge and refine their thought processes.
By listening to peers, students can also hear new perspectives that may broaden
their horizons and deepen their own knowledge.
Question 3: Name the learning theory that has influenced the following learning
[3x5=15 marks]
a) I use concrete examples to explain abstract concepts when I present my content to the
b) When my students hear the words "housekeeping time", they know that they are supposed
to clean up their workspace and put away the materials and tools they have been using.
c) For an assessment, I placed the students in groups and ask them to discuss the concept
they are learning. After they have discussed, one of them has to come and present the
concept based on their discussion.
d) I set aside time every Friday afternoon to provide my students with extra classes on the
topic they had difficulties understanding during the week.
e) From my personal network of lecturers with whom I engage regularly for my professional
development, I have arranged for a lecturer from a German University to present a topic to
my students via MS Teams.