(34 MARKS)
3.1 A Final dough solution has a density of 45 kg/ m3 and flows from a mixing tank at
2500 Pa through a horizontal pipe 40 mm in radius at a flow rate of 7.8 x10-3 m/s.
The size of the pipe reduces to 20 mm in radius. Calculate the new pressure in the
Pl/Pl+ V12/2 + Zlg = P2/P2+ V22/2+ Z2g
Where P (Pa)= the pressure, p (kg/m 3) = the fluid density, g (= 9.81ms 1) =
acceleration due to gravity, v (m s1) = the velocity of the fluid and z (m) = the height.
3.2 What is the objective of size reduction in food processing.
3.3 Enumerate three (3) types of equipment used for homogenisers.
3.4 Enumerate three (3) types of equipment used for dry-cleaning.
3.5 Briefly discuss the factors to consider when designing and selecting food
processing equipment.
3.6 Outline the benefits of blanching food.
3.7 Explain why it's important to have a monitoring procedure in your HACCP
(Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) system.
3.8 Outline five (5) factors affecting the shelf-life test.
(32 MARKS)
4.1 Distinguish between the following set of concepts
4.1.1 Sorting and grading.
4.1.2 Mixing and forming.
4.1.3 Primary and secondary processing.
4.2 Describe any six (6) different types of non-Newtonian fluids.
4.3 Explain any four (4) types of intellectual property.