A Looking at the most likely result that is going to occur
8. Looking at the average result likely to occur
C. Looking at the best result that can be expected
D. Looking at the worst result that can be expected
1.7 If we have a portfolio of two products whose results are perfectly negatively correlated, risk
will be minimised by investing :-
A In the product that yields the highest expected value
8. In the product that has the lowest standard deviation
C. In both products equally
D. Risk can be minimised by
1.8 Which of the following statements concerning the NPV is not true?
A The NPV technique takes account of the time value of money.
8. The NPV of a project is the sum of all the discounted cash flows associated with a
C. The NPV technique takes account of all the cash flows associated with a project.
D. If two competing projects are being considered, the one expected to yield the lowest
NPV should be selected.
1.9 Which of the following statements concerning the payback period, is not true?
A The payback period is simple to calculate and understand.
8. The paypack period measures the time that a project will take to generate enough cash
flows to cover the initial investment.
C. The payback period ignores cash flows after the payback point has been reached.
D. It takes account of the time value of money.
1.1O The _____
describes the linear relationship between expected rates of return for
individual securities (or portfolios) and ____
A characteristic line; standard deviation
8. characteristic line; beta
C. security market line; standard deviation
D. security market line; beta
1.11 Which of the following items describes an index measure of systematic risk?
A Beta.
B. Standard deviation.
C. Coefficient of variation.
D. Variance.