Credit risk
The group's exposure to credit risk is influenced mainly by the individual characteristics of each
customer. The group's most significant customer, a domestic retailer, accounts for N$50 681 081
(2022: i'l$51 199 656) of the trade receivables carrying amount at 29 February 2023. Even though
Game has significant credit risk exposure to this client, it was noted that this retailer has a great
attitude towards paying their debts, and currently always settles their accounts within the credit terms
as stipulated. Normal trading terms are 50 days, these are however not always adhered to. Credit
clients are not required to provide collateral for credit products purchased on credit.
The group has policies to ensure that sales of products are made to customers with an appropriate
credit history. An established credit policy exists under which each new customer is analysed
individually for creditworthiness before the group's standard payment and delivery terms and
conditions are offered. The group's review of creditworthiness includes external ratings when
available and in some cases bank references.
Note 3
27% of sales relate to cash sales, while the remaining 73% are conducted using the Game card. Game
does not offer any early settlement discounts currently.
Future growth strategy
In order to improve their current cash flow position, Game is planning to actively start marketing the
Game card to customers. In order to remain competitive in this market, they are pondering credit
terms in line with the current RCS** card offering, and other related credit providers:
0 5% early settlement discounts, if accounts are settled within 7 days (which corresponds
to the cooling off period for online purchase agreements). It is expected that 20% of
credit sales will be paid Vvithin 7 days.
" 30 days credit if not taking the discount.
0 It is expected that bad debts will increase to 5% of trade receivables.
c It is expected that credit sales will increase by 10% should the Game card be marketed
more actively, whereas cash sales will remain unaffected.
0 Gross profit percentages will remain constant.
0 Money market investments in Namibia currently offer 6% interest per annum. It is
expected that the increase in credit sales, as well as a quicker debt collection period, will
result in a positive cash balance in the future.
Another alternative avenue for improving the current cash flow situation of Game is to consider
factoring the company receivables with a banking institution. Game is hoping that by factoring their
debtors' books, the collection of debt will also improve.