Question 1. (Total marks: 10)
(a) What is a stochastic process?
(2 marks)
(b) Classify the stochastic processes according to parameter space and state-space using
suitable examples.
(8 marks)
Question 2. (Total marks: 10)
(a) Define martingale.
(b) Differentiate between super- and sub-martingales.
(c) What is gambler’s ruin problem?
(2 marks)
(3 marks)
(5 marks)
Question 3. (Total marks: 20)
(a) Show that the transition probability matrix along with the initial distribution completely
specifies the probability distribution of a discrete-time Markov chain.
(10 marks)
(b) Suppose that the probability of a dry day (state 0) following a rainy day (state 1) is 1/3 and
that probability of a rainy day following a dry day is 1/2. Develop a two-state transition
probability matrix of the Markov chain. Given that May 1, 2022 is a dry day, find the
probability that May 3, 2022 is a dry day.
(10 marks)
Question 4. (Total marks: 10)
(a) Differentiate between persistent and transient states.
(3 marks)
(b) Classify the states of the Markov chain whose transition probability matrix is given below:
(7 marks)
1/2 0 1/2
Question 5. (Total marks: 10)
(a) Find the steady-state probabilities of the Markov chain whose one-step transition
probability matrix is given below:
(8 marks)
1/02 2/03 11//23
2 [2 1/2 0 |