Question 1
1.1 Define the term Destination Management Organization
1.2. Identify the Characteristics of a Destination?
1.3 Discuss the marketing role of National Tourism Organizations {NTO's) in
Destination Marketing?
Question 2
2.1 The customer Journey is a helpful framework for understanding the experience of
the customer, draw and explain the customer Journey in Tourism.
Question 3
Without proper planning or management tourism can damage the destination's
environment; cause social and cultural conflict and alienate the communities that host
tourism. The VICEmodel gives an appropriate balance and a framework which
destination planners and managers can use to ensure that their actions are sustainable.
3.1. Draw the VICE model in the form of a diagram
3.2. Explain the model using relevant examples
3.3. Outline the responsible tourism practices that destinations can implement {15)
Question 4
4.1 In the form of a table discuss the differences between urban and rural destinations
and give three examples of each type of destination
Question 5
5.1 Discuss the Thu rods Model of tourism development and how does it differ from the
lrridex Model?
Question 6
6.1 Identify the role of Government in Policy Setting?
Total Marks: