SECTION A [15 MARKS]: Each Question Weighs 1 Mark.
1. The CMOS battery on the motherboard stores BIOSsettings of the computer.
2. The ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) is one of the components of a CPU. [True/False]
3. The first major change in the electronic computer came with the replacement
of the transistor with a vacuum tube.
4. Organizational attributes include hardware details transparent to the programmer.
5. The speed of a processor is dictated by the pulse frequency produced by the
clock, measured in cycles per second, or Hertz (Hz).
6. The 1/0 function includes a control and timing requirement, to coordinate the flow
of traffic between internal resources and external devices.
7. Pipelining is a means of introducing parallelism into the essential sequential
nature of a machine-instruction program.
8. Addition and subtraction can be performed on numbers in two complement notation
by treating them as unsigned integers.
9. Although convenient for computers, the binary system is exceedinglycumbersome
for human beings.
10. In the Direct Memory Access (OMA) mode, the 1/0 module and main memory
exchange data directly, without processor involvement.
11. Hexadecimal notation is more compact than binary notation.
12. In a system without virtual memory, the effective address is a virtual address
or a register.
13. Segmentation is usually visible to the programmer and is provided as a convenience
for organizing programs and data and as a means for associating privilege and
protection attributes with instructions and data.
14.lnstruction pipelining is a powerful technique for enhancing performance but requires
careful design to achieve optimum results with reasonable complexity. [True/False]
15. The XOR operator yields false if both its operands are False.
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