You are conversant with the similarities and differences in the leadership
characteristics of Jose Mujica, Mahatma Ghandi, Abraham Lincoln, Oprah Winfrey,
Mother Theresa, Princess Diana and Martin Luther King. Compare your current
leadership competencies with the leadership competencies of the said mentioned
leaders. Indicate in a plan for the next five years how you intend to close the gap in
changing yourself.
In your plan, focus on your annual objective, weaknesses, strategies, output and
outcome-based performance criteria/measures and financial means to make your
plan a reality.
Analyse the impact of the following global trends on African public sector
a) The executive encroaching on the legislative and judicial authority;
b) The leadership vacuum;
c) Erosion of trust in large and bureaucratic institutions;
d) Increase in disrespect for leaders; and
e) Increase in distrust in public sector institutions.
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