Natural Resource Management
Question 2:
List and explain four {4) cultural services provided by the atmosphere.
Question 3:
What do you understand under the term 'rangeland'? In your explanation, clearly state which
types of land cover or land use are included and which are excluded from the term.
Question 4:
The National Botanical Research Institute of Namibia collects and preserves seeds of
various mahangu land races*. They also send seeds for safekeeping to the SADCPlant
Genetic Resource Centre in in Lusaka and the Millennium Seedbank in London.
Why is it important to preserve the land races and wild relatives of our food crops?
(*A 'landrace' is a domesticated, locally adapted, traditional variety of a species that has
developed over time, through adaptation to its natural and cultural environment of
agriculture and pastoralism, and due to isolation from other populations of the species. It
differs from 'cultivars', which refer to the products of breeding programmes that set out
purposefully to enhance or maintain specific characteristics)
How does species diversity globally change {increase/ decrease) ....
{i) from lower to higher altitude
{ii) from lower to higher rainfall
(iii) from lower to higher temperature
(iv) from lower to higher nutrient levels?
Question 5:
What are mangroves and where do they occur?
List four (4) ecosystem services provided by mangroves that are different from those
provided by equatorial rainforests. Be specific.
ist Opportunity Examination
Question Paper
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June 2022