3.5 (a) Match the pollutants from the list (A) to (D) with effects or other significant aspects
on the bottom list, below:
(A) Salinity (B) Alkalinity (C) Acidity (D) Nitrate
(1) Excessive productivity (2) Can enter water from pyrite or from the atmosphere
(3) Osmotic effects on organisms (4) From soil and mineral strata
(b) Discuss the chemical, physical and biological characteristics of Acid Mine Drainage
Question 4
4.1 Give four examples showing the interaction between the geosphere and the
4.2 Define the following terms:
(a) Evaporites
(b) Weathering
(c) Clays
(d) Sediments
4.3 Briefly discuss the soil breakdown (or composition).
4.4 Match the soil or soil-solution constituent in (1) to (4) with the soil condition
described in (A) to (D) below:
(1) High Mn?* content in soil; (2) Excess H*; (3) High H* and SO4* concentrations;
(4) High organic content.
(A) “Cat clays” containing initially high levels of pyrite, FeS2; (B) Soil in which
biodegradation has not occurred to a great extent; (C) Waterlogged soil; (D) Soil, the
fertility of which can be improved by adding limestone.
4.5 (a) Explain the meaning of “internal processes” of natural hazards.
(b) What are the destructive effects of earthquakes?