(30 MARKS)
Select the most appropriate answer from the options provided. {Each correct answer earns
1 mark)
1.1 The following describe the concept of the gender in relation to food security except:
a. Gender varies with and between cultures
b. Gender is universal for people and between cultures
c. Gender is a learned behaviour
d. Gender refers to socially constructed roles, responsibilities, and behaviour
1.2 Patriarchal social system refers to the following:
a. Women and men have the same powers and privileges on resources
b. Men hold the greatest power over resources
c. All human beings are free to develop their personal abilities and make choices
d. None of the above
1.3 What difference will urbanization make for hunger and malnutrition:
a. No significant difference; low-income urban and rural people face similar
b. It will reduce poverty and hunger because these are almost entirely
concentrated in rural areas
c. Urban dwellers depend more than rural people on purchases to acquire
food, have little opportunity to grow their own food, and so are much more
vulnerable to food prices increases
d. Poor city folk eat mainly sorghum, millet, maize, and root crops, so a lot more
of those foods will need to be produced as the world urbanizes
1.4 What are entitlements to food:
a. The term refers to social welfare programmes such as the fair price food
shops in Namibia
b. It means the pathways through which people accessfood, whether by
production, purchase, social protection programmes, or other means
c. When countries enact right-to-food legislation, then people are entitled to
d. The term is a reference to agrarian reform programmes that provide farmers
with land titles