(i) Using information shown in figure 2, what is the fully qualified domain name of the
primary DNS server for this client machine.
(ii) How many email servers are responding to example.com domain? List their fully
qualified domain names and corresponding IPs
(iii) You have been hired as a consultant to troubleshoot problems existing at Example cc.
They told you that emails are being delivered to one server and yet they want all emails
to be delivered to all available mail servers. What will be your solution to solve this
problem? Use only information from figure 2.
(iv) Assuming users can access the website for example cc by typing web.example.com.
which server will respond when users type web.example.com and why? [Hint: there are
3 addresses for the same url]
(b) As an administrator, you can administer active directory running a server 2012 core
edition using the command prompt. Identify the error in the following command for
adding a user to a domain controller active directory and users.
net user jack /add /domain
(c) You created a user on a domain controller using the following command:
dsadd user “cn=sad,cn=users,dc=cs,dc=net" -In Sad622S -fn Saduser
After creating the account, you discovered that the account sad cannot logon to
your domain controller and gives an error message “account disabled. Contact your
administrator’. From the command used, why would the account be disabled?
4. Unix Commands
Write down the commands to perform the following:
Check all group membership(s) for the user sad.
List all processes running.
(iii) Change the expiry date of an existing user john to 20 December 2019. — [2]
(iv) Display a list of all shells installed on your machine.