3. Short Questions
(a) After typing winver command in Windows, you get the following output:
Version 22Hl (OS Build 19045.3447)
Based on this output, what do you understand by 22H1? What can you tell the user
of this machine to do so that this machine is not vulnerable in the network? [3]
(b) You have been hired by a certain company to rectify Linux login problems for John.
Every time John tries to logon he failed to login without any error message. You
check his entry in /etc/passwd file and it appears as follows:
What will be your solution to the above problem?
(c) What is the primary reason for creating an organizational unit (OU)?
(d) What is a shell? Give one example of a shell in Linux.
(e) Refer to diagram below. You are trying to install Oracle Virtual Box 7.0.10 on
Windows 10 Professional machine.
Missing Dependencies
Python Core / win32api
Installingthe Orade VMVirtualBox7,0.10 Pythonbindings
requiresthe Python Core packageand the win32.apbi indings
to be installedfirst.
Whencontinuingthe installationof the Orade VMVirtualBox
7.0.10 Pythonbindingsnow, thoseneed to be set up
manuallylater. Refer to the Orade VMVirtualBox7.0.10 SDK
manualfur moreinformation.
Proceedwith installationnow?
Version7,0, 10
Yes .___No_=_]
(i) What do you understand by positive and negative dependencies? [2]