QUESTION 1: (20 marks)
1.1 Institutional self-assessment is a crucial process for continuous improvement in TVET across the
world. Identify and briefly describe FOUR key challenges that TVETcentres in Namibia may face
when conducting self-assessment and provide potential strategies to address the identified
challenges. Provide relevant examples to support your answer.
QUESTION 2: (20 marks)
2.1 Benchmarking is mandatory across institutions of education and training Namibia. Identify and
briefly discussthe FOUR important reasons why your TVETcentre should constantly undertake the
benchmarking exercise. Provide an example of how your institution may use benchmarking to
identify best practices and enhance its programmes and services.
QUESTION 3: (20 marks)
3.1 TVET institutions often face resource constraints. Identify and briefly explain FOUR strategies on
how your TVETcentre can strategically allocate limited resources to address the critical issues thar
were recently identified in your institutional self-assessment. Provide a real-world example to
support your answer.
QUESTION 4: (20 marks)
4.1 Key performance indicators (KPls) play a vital role in institutional self-assessment in the TVETsector.
List and briefly explain any FOUR KPls and the role they can play in the management of your TVET
centre. Provide specific examples to support your answer.
QUESTION 5: (20 marks)
5.1 Continuous improvement and enhancement are integral part of any TVET institutional self-
assessment, involving ongoing efforts to maintain and enhance educational quality. Name and
briefly explain any FOUR strategies on how you centre can foster the concept of continuous
improvement and enhancement in the context of the recent TVET institutional self-assessment
recommendations. Provide relevant examples to support your answer.
TOTAL: 100