Use the Ecological Index Method to compare veld condition for the tree and
woodland savanna between 2016-2017-2018.
You are the newly appointed Warden for NamibRand Nature Reserve; you are to rent a 3000 ha
portion of the reserve for the following year and want to know how many springboks can
sustainably be stocked on this portion. A grass biomass assessment indicated that the farm has
on average 600 kg dry grass material per ha. An average springbok on this reserve eats 2 kg of
dry grass per day.
5.1 Assuming a utilization factor of 0.35, how many hectares are required per springbok {4}
on this farm?
5.2 How many springboks can be stocked sustainably on this reserve?
5.3 A new private game reserve has been established in Omaheke region, as a recent
NRM graduate, you have been asked to assist in setting up the stocking rate for the
game reserve.
What factors do you need to consider when setting up a stocking rate?
6.1 Grazing value refers to the quantity and quality of grazing material. Name and clearly {12}
describe the six aspects of the grazing val1.,1e.
6.2 What can be concluded regarding the grazing status of a rangeland if you find a
substantial abundance of?
{a} Decreaser grasses
{b} Increaser I grasses
6.3 Name 6 grass species that make up the "Namibian six-pack" grasses.
7.1 Landscape Function Analysis {LFA} is a widely recommended approach for
rehabilitation work in rangelands, mining industry and conservation. Explain why
this approach is recommended.
7.2 What aspects does LFAassess?