Land Use Planning 2
Question 4
The decentralisation concept is enshrined in the Constitution and provides for the establishment of
sub-national governments at regional as well as local level in Namibia.
(a} Identify and discuss the three forms of decentralisation which the Government land
use planners could follow when planning for communities?
(b} Name at least five benefits of Decentralisation?
Question 5
The Municipality of Windhoek is in the process of reviewing the Windhoek Structure Plan as
emphasised by the Urban and Regional Planning Act, (Act No. 5 of 2018}.
(a) What are the positive results that the local authority can expect from implementing an
approved Structure Plan in its area of jurisdiction in terms of the Act?
(b) Discussthe importance of participatory planning in terms of the Urban and Regional Planning
Act, (Act No. 5 of 2018), in contrast to conventional land use planning methods which have
dominated past planning activities.
Question 6
The Planning Method Model is a set of systematic technical procedures that are needed to evaluate
resource availability and to guide towards sustainable options which satisfy the objectives of land
(a) Name the stages that form part of the Planning Method Model.
(b) Discuss in detail the stages that you mentioned above?
TOTAL: 100
First Opportunity Examination Question Paper
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June 2024