14. Which Audit Policy selection records modifications to Active Directory?
A. Privilege Use
B. Account Management Events
C. Directory Service Access
D. Policy Change
15. What tool can you use to create a comprehensive security policy as an XML file on a
Windows Server system?
A. Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer {MBSA)
B. System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM)
C. Security Configuration Wizard {SCW)
D. Windows Server Update Services {WSUS)
16. What is the difference between identification and authentication?
A. Nothing. They're the same.
B. Identification proves an identity.
C. Authentication proves an identity.
D. Identification authenticates an individual, and authentication provides
17. Of the following choices, what isn't a valid use of a RADIUSserver?
A. Authenticate VPN clients.
B. Authenticate wireless clients.
C. Provide port-based authentication.
D. Provide authentication for 802x database servers.
18. The operating system's role in the protection of the system from physical threats involves:
A. providing tools to enable system firewall deployments.
B. providing port scanning mechanisms.
C. providing tools to enable system backups and restoration of the OS itself, files,
programs and data.
D. triggering denial of service attacks to prevent malicious users from using the system.
19. What is not a good practice for user administration?
A. Isolating a system after a compromise.
B. Performing random auditing procedures.
C. Granting privileges on a per host basis.
D. Using telnet and FTPfor remote access.
20. Which of the following is a security-based Linux distribution?
A. Fedora
B. CentOS
C. Debian
D. Kali
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