1.1 Decide whether the following statements are true or false.
(a) Linguistics is the study of English language.
(b) Among the many characters of language, scholars, poets, writers, and people also
say that language is a political tool.
(c) Linguistic competence is the same as linguistic performance.
(d) Haptic language form includes the use of Braille.
(e) The field of linguistics is a new field and does not date back centuries.
(f) Visual language forms utilise spoken media.
(g) Structuralism includes looking at language as a system of interconnected units with
arbitrary meaning.
(h) Ferdinand de Saussure is the father of ancient linguistics.
(i) According to Naom Chomsky, all humans are born with the ability to acquire
language due to the LAD in the brain.
(j) Aristotle believed that words do not have a natural link and arise from social
1.2 Explain the difference between the three forms of language you learned in this course.
2.1 Distinguish between the following pairs of Linguistic terms
(a) Extension and Intension
(b) Connotation and denotation
(c) Free and bound morpheme
(d) Inflectional and derivational affix
(e) Dependent and independent clause
2.2 Language performs a variety of functions in our lives. By using examples discuss the
four functions of language you learned in this course.
3.1 Name and explain the branches of Linguistics you studied in this course.
3.2 Differentiate between minimal pair and allophones. Give two examples each for