Question 1
Draw an Organizational Chart/Organogram of a Housekeeping department in a medium
hotel and explain what its purpose is?
Question 2
Differentiate between the types of Maintenance that can be performed and give a detailed
description of what is included in each.
Question 3
Distinguish between Residential Hotels and Resort Hotels?
Question 4
When cleaning public areas special attention must be paid to the following areas,
Entrances, lobbies and Front Desk. How would one clean these sections?
Question 5
Most Housekeeping Departments are responsible for cleaning a number of areas in a Hotel.
Identify these areas.
Question 6
Identify & briefly explain the three-basic service-level categories
Question 7
The best On-Premises Laundry is the one tailored to the needs of the hotel it serves. Every
laundry uses a basic cycle of operation. List the steps of the typical wash cycle.
Question 8
To be most effective, guestroom cleaning should follow a logical progression from actually
entering the guestroom to the final check and departure. Identify these procedures.
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