Problem 1 [32 Marks]
1-1. Find the best function in the least-squares sense that fits the following data points and is of the form
f(x) = asin(1rx) + bcos(1rx):
X 1-l 1-1/21 0 11/211
y -l O 1 2 1
1-2. Find the Pade approximation R2,2 (x) for f(x) = tan( ft)/ ,jx starting with the MacLaurin expansion
x 2x2 17x3 62x4
f(x) = l+3+ 15 + 315 + 2835 + ·· ·
1-3. Use the result in 1-2. to establish tan(x)
9_5x -
1-4. Compare the following approximations to f(x) = tan(x)
Taylor: T9(x)
x 2x2 17x3 62x4
1 + 3 + 15 + 315 + 2835
(given in 1-3.)
on the interval [O,1.4]using 8 equally spaced points xk with h = 0.2. Your results should be correct to 7
significant digits.
Problem 2 [25 Marks]
For any non negative interger n the Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind of degree n is defined as
Tn(x) = cos [ncos- 1 (x)], for x E [-1, l].
2-1. Use the identity/formula:
LN cos(cp+ ka)
sin (N+l)a- cos(cp+ !::!..a.)
2 sm. -°'
to show that:
Tm(Xk)Tn(Xk)= 0, form=/= n,
l)1r] where xk = cos [ (22(kN++ l) , 0 :Sk :SN, are the roots of TN+I·
2-2. Compute the expressions of the first five Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind T2 , T3 , T4 , T5 and
2-3-1. Find P6 (x) the sixth MacLaurin polynomial for f(x) = xex.
2-3-2. Use Chebyshev economisation to economise P6 (x) once.
Problem 3 [36 Marks]
3-1. Determine the number n so that the composite Simpson's rule for 2n subintervals can be used to
compute the following integral with an accuracy of 5 x 10- 9 .