Section A consists of one compulsory question. ALL CANDIDATES MUST ATTEMPT THIS
QUESTION. You may NOT substitute this question with a question of your choice.
Question 1
SO marks
There are two sender-receiver models that are important in helping speakers to
generate an audience awareness as they prepare for and deliver speeches.
(a) Critically review the conduct of audiences that are active and passive.
(2x5 marks)= 10 marks
(b) Compare and contrast the transmission of ideas in speeches governed by the
(i)Basic Transactional Model and (ii) Extended Transactional Model conditions
(2x5 marks) = 10 marks
(c) Use annotated diagrams to illustrate your answer to Ql(b) ................10 marks
(d) Assess the merits of Dr Paul Cameron's experiment and findings which identify
"noise" interruptions that affect listening to a speech. Make sure to address the
following points in your answer:
(i) The findings of Dr Cameron's listening test and what they teach us.8 marks
(ii) Definition and identification of "noise" in this context ........................2 marks
(iii) Application of the experiment to a speech situation of your choice ...
10 marks
Question 2
25 marks
A software technician was assigned by his company to give a sales presentation to an
audience of potential clients. He was asked to "show the audience how our software can
help people in their industry". He spoke for 30 minutes, and at the end, he was blistered
by scornful comments from his listeners: You have given us examples of how your
software can help people at banks," one listener said. "Don't you know that we are
healthcare professionals and everything you have told us is worthless to us?"
(a) How might a speech giver's diligent pre-event reconnaissance have prevented this
embarrassment? .............. :.................................................................. (12.5 marks)
(b) What might the speech giver have looked out for DURING the speech as a way of
,possibly identifying any djsconnect with his,audience? .....................(12.5 marks) ..
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