Question 1
With reference to your society, write explanatory notes on the concepts below:
1.1 Cultural diversity
1.2 Social stratification
1.3 Industrial revolution
1.4 Patriarchy
1.5 Ethnicity
Question 2
Sociologists developed some models to understand the pattern of interaction between the
minority and the dominant group. By making use of relevant examples, discuss these models.
Question 3
Social stratification is viewed differently based on the sociological perspective used to examine
it. With reference to your society, discuss the role performed by social stratification from the
functional and conflict perspectives. Use relevant examples to illustrate your answer. [25]
Question 4
All religions are made up by several elements. With reference to religious institutions in your
society, describe the common elements of religion.
Question 5
Culture is defined by Meer and Gabler (2011, p.86) as 'ideas and values that change relatively
quickly and that may vary widely within a single society, neighborhood, or even family'. With
reference to your society, answer the following questions:
5.1 Differentiate between global culture and cultural universals.
5.2 Explain reasons for cultural change.
(15) [25]
Question 6
Theoretical approaches are used to understand the role played by the family in the society.
With reference to your society, discuss the role played by the family from the conflict and the
macro level approaches. Make use of relevant examples.