to St Mary's Hospital in Lang'ata, 10km away, and ,,vatched as she finally delivered but
lost the baby.
Kenyans have reacted sharply to the story, aired on Citizen prime time news on Friday
January 6th, criticizing the reporter and the TV station of being grossly inhuman. In the
story, Ms Mm,vathe and her team followed the woman, who was in labour, as she
struggled in vain to get medical help at the state-owned Pumwani Hospital. After she
,,1,ratsurned away, the Citizen TV crew pursued her in heavy Nairobi traffic, filming every
move as she boarded a matatu (public transport) at Eastleigh area in her desperate
search for a hospital with nurses.
Many TV watchers say the least the Citizen TV crew should have done is be
compassionate to offer transport to the nearest hospital or even, in a show of good
corporate citizenship, book her at the nearest private hospital such as Guru Nanak, MP
Shah, Aga Khan or even Nairobi Hospital.
This has raised debate on where to draw the line between being empathetic with a news
subject and media ethics that require journalists not to be involved in the activities
being covered. On a humanitarian ground, however, Kenyans feel Citizen TV and its
crew failed the pregnant woman and her family, as journalism ethics do not bar
journalists from saving lives or averting a disaster. Some journalists, though, are known
to instigate a situation to result into a hot story.
Many believe the Citizen TV story ended the way any reporter would have loved: agony
and death that give a story the shocking elements and juicy anecdotes. But does it have
to take such avoidable death for the media house or reporter to be heard or to stand out
for that matter?
lVIediamax example
Here is an excellent example of journalists dumping ethics to save a life. On July 23,
2016, a Mediamax Network van ferrying crew to an assignment at Ewang'an Primary
School stopped to help a woman who had just delivered herself of a baby in Kajiado.
Deep in the recesses of Maasai plains, Josephine Ndanin lay writhing in pain. The
woman had just given birth, with the only assistance at hand b.eing her two daughters.