4.1. Namibia is fortunate to have visionary legislation that devolves right over wildlife to its (20}
citizens. Wildlife as per the Nature Conservation Ordinance 4 of 1975, is divided into
four main legal categories namely; specially protected, protected, huntable and
problem game. Name five (5) specially protected, ten {10} protected and five (5)
huntable game species in Namibia.
4.2. Section 21 of the Nature Conservation Ordinance, empowers a Nature Conservation (3)
Officer to kill any animals trespassing in National parks. Name three {3} animals that
are referred to in this section.
4.3. Mr Hans Slinger was found contravening Section 26 of the Nature Conservation (20)
Ordinance 4 of 1975 (Prohibition of hunting specially protected game) in Khaudum
National Park and you are tasked to investigate this allegation.
4.3.1 As an investigating officer name five (5) aspects, you have to prove in (5)
this investigation.
4.3.2 Name six {6} pieces of evidence that need to accompany the Docket to (6)
4.3.3 What are your ancillary powers under Section 26, name four {4}?
4.3.4 Under what conditions are you allowed to kill/hunt specially protected (5)
species without a permit and what steps do you take after hunting
such species without a permit?
4.4. The central part of Namibia has a high number of registered Large Carnivores Facilities. (9)
As a Chief warden for the Central regions, how will you control and manage the
facilities with their animals?
5.1. With an increase in human population and a high demand for land, humans and (6)
wildlife are increasingly interacting and competing for resources, thus leading to
Human-wildlife conflict. Outline six {6} ways in which wildlife .iscreating conflict with
human beings.
5.2.1 Under which conditions shall payment for livestock loss or crop (5)
damage be considered?
5.2.2 The human-wildlife conflict policy set out key strategies on how it (5)