Question 1- Matching Questions:
Match the following statements with the correct term on the letters of the alphabet. Indicate
your answer on the answer sheet/ booklet provided.
{2.5 x 10 = 25 marks)
1.1 The fundamental public relation skill with written vehicles from news A Publicity
releases to speeches, from brochures to advertisement.
1.2 Dealing with the press and various message channels is another front line B Marketing
public relations function
1.3 The marketing related function, most commonly misunderstood as the only C Community
function of public relations, generating positive publicity for a client or
1.4 Creating brochures, sales literature, meeting displays and promotion
D Media relations
1.5 Positively putting forth the organization's messages and image within the E Writing
1.6 Interfacing with consumers through written and verbal communication
F Government
1.7 Communicating with all important internal publics of the organization
G Investor
1.8 Dealing with legislators, regulators and local , state and federal officials
H Special publics
1.9 Communicating with stockholders and those who advise them
I Consumer
1.10 Dealing with those publics critical to particular organizations, e.g. from J Employee
African American to women to Asians
Question 2 - True/ False Questions:
Indicate your answer on the answer sheet provided/ booklet.
{2.5 x 10 = 25 marks)
2.1Manipulation is an attempt to influence a person's actions through an appeal to his/ her
2.2With persuasion the audience does not require to know the message but they are coerced or
tricked when there is little or no benefit to them
2.3 Propaganda is the manipulation of symbols to transmit accepted attitudes and skills, it describes
political application of publicity and advertising
2.4Lobbying entails the exertion of influence, smooth and measured pressure on other, exercise of
persuasion cum-pressure, in essence a group putting its points of view forward in an attempt to
win the other groups' support
2.5 Public relations deals more with informing and educating rather than simply motivating someone
to buy
2.6Lack of control (of message) by source is a public relations strength
2.7Management does not need to know what the public thinks about an organization and its practices