Environmental Planning
Question 5
The public sector plays an important role towards a new vision for environmental
economic reform to affect economic transformation, especially when private markets fail to
provide goods and services sustainably. Distinguish government intervention areas towards
establishing an environmentally sustainable economy.
Gunter Pauli's BLUE ECONOMYaims to shift society from scarcity to abundance with
what is locally available and tackling issues that cause environmental and related problems in new
ways. Show five innovative principles as solutions of this economy type.
Politics is concerned with who has power over resource distribution. Point out the role
of governments to ensure resources are used sustainably.
Question 6
Van Biljon (2014) identified sustainability characteristics (indicators) for the influence
spheres of economy, nature, society and space towards sustainability in urban and regional
planning. Write down the sustainability indicators for the sphere of space.
Wheeler, 2013 identified four categories of unsustainable development trends.
Rewrite in your own words the trend of misguided urbanisation& housing.
The ecocity and woonerf concepts are more environmentally sustainable urban
concepts built around the scientific principles of sustainability. Explain the principles of the
woonerf concept.
Question 7
The Environmental Management Act (Act 7 of 2007) stipulates that the principles of
environmental assessment serve as guidelines for any decision in terms of any law relating to the
protection of the environment. Briefly describe any five of these principles.
The Minister of Environment and Tourism will publish a list of activities, which may not
be undertaken without an environmental clearance certificate, in the Government Gazette. The
Minister can include any activity with potential environmental consequences in the list. Identify
the categories or areas in respect of the listed activities provided in the Act (Act 7 of 2007). [5]
STRATEGICENVIRONMENTALASSESSMENT(SEA)is the process of anticipating and
addressing potential environmental consequences of proposed initiatives at higher-level decision-
making with the aim to integrate environmental considerations into the earliest development
phases. Interpret the goals of SEAas identified by Wiseman in your own words.
First Opportunity Examination Question Paper Page 3 of 3
June 2022