Question 4
Peter is a center head of a TVET provider. As part of his duties, he supervises six middle
managers; five of these managers are men. Only one of the managers is a black man, and one is
a white female.
Peter is replacing one of the white male managers. He has advertised the position both
internally and externally as required by his company's policies. After reviewing all of the
applications, he believes that Steve, a black employee of the company for 12 years, is the most
qualified applicant. However, in the pool of applicants there are three qualified white female
and two qualified white men.
{a) Morally, what should Peter do? Justify your answer.
{b) What are the three basic elements of discrimination in employment?
{c) According to the utilitarian view, why is discrimination in the workplace unethical? [2]
{d) What kind of employment practices is clearly discriminatory?
{e) In your view, what does the concept preferential treatment entails?
{f) Sexual harassment is difficult to define and prevent. State any three elements that
constitute sexual harassment?
{g) What is the responsibility of the employer if sexual harassment act takes place? [2]
[Total: 17]
Question 5
1. You are a Human Resource Director in a TVETprovider. Your brother-in-law is out of
work and his wife (your sister) is also unemployed. They are about to lose their house.
Your sister asks you to recommend her husband for a job.
{a) As a human resource director, will you recommend your brother-in-law for the job to
save his house from reposesed or you appoint a qualified person who can add value to
the campuny? Justify your choice.
(b) Differentiate between confrict of interest and bribary.
(c) Explain two types of situations that can create conflict of interest
2. Setting a fair wage is both important and difficult in an organization. List any three
factors that employers should consider to set up a fair wage.
3. (a) A dishwasher knows that the restaurant's chef typically reheats three or four day old
food and serves it as fresh. When she informs the manager, she is told to forget it. What
should she do? Should the dishwasher go public with what she knows or should she
simply forget the matter?
(b) What is the difference between the whistle blower and whistle blowing?
[Total: 24]
.................................................. End of the Examination ................................................... .