5 In a ternary relationship, 2 entities are normally involved while
a unary relationship involve just 3 entities.
6 The NATURAL JOIN clause is based on columns in the two
tables that have the same name and datatype.
7 SQL keywords are case sensitive.
8 Relational databases are designed to address many of the
information complexity issues.
9 The DROP TABLE statement removes the data in a table but
leaves the table structure intact.
10 Homogenous distributed databases have the same DBMS
software at multiple sites.
1. Explain the following terms with an example.
a) Degree of a relationship
[Marks: 10]
[2 Marks]
b) Database Management system
[2 Marks]
c) Conceptual data model (Schema)
[2 Marks]
2. Describe the difference between the TRUNCATE and DELETEcommand.
[2 Marks]
3. Give the difference between an Inner Join and an Outer Join.
[2 Marks]
[Marks: 40]
Given the following scenario create an appropriate ER diagram. Include at least 3 attributes
and 1 primary Key for each entity. Include the cardinalities and relationships. Use Crow's Foot
[15 Marks]
A car insurance company wants to store customer information. Some of the information that the
company wants to keep track of is the customers' name, driver's license, and residential address.
They also want to store the car license, model, and year. If an accident occurs, the company needs
the accident report number, accident_location, and accident_date. Each customer can own one or
more cars. Each car can be associated with zero or more accidents. An accident can involve one or
more customers.