Question 1
Intangible cultural heritage is by definition living, vital and embedded in ongoing social
relationships. Should governments around the world now designate museums as the primary
agencies for the safeguarding of intangible heritage?
In your own understanding, discusswhether you agree or disagree that museums can be seen
as custodians and centers of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage?"
Question 2
The National Heritage Act of 2004 of Namibia makes provision for the declaration and
registration of heritage sites.
Using practical examples, discussthis procedure.
Question 3
Today more than ever heritage tourism is a key driver of local economic development. Local
communities are encouraged to develop heritage tourism in their areas. To develop a heritage
tourism site, specific criteria for selection are used.
Discusssix (6) of these criteria of selection.
Question 4
The Old Location uprising is the reason for the declaration of December 10, Human Rights Day,
as a Namibian national holiday.
In your own understanding discussthe events that occurred on this historic day that led to this
day to be of national heritage significance to Namibia.
Question 5
Intangible cultural heritage constitutes of five (5) main domains to distinguish between the
various forms. Discussthese domains and give an example of each of these domains.