Property Development and Marketing
Question 1
For each of the following statements indicate whether it is 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'. Each correct answer carries 1
a) For a specific property development project, market research is important in getting to know the
relevant clientele in a specific real estate sub-market and respond to their needs with a suitable
product offering.
b) It is the responsibility of the agent or salesperson to advise and assist, the seller has extremely limited
right in determining the listing price of the property for sale.
c) The real estate market is not a single market but consists rather of a series of submarkets with
different needs and desires that can change independently of one another.
d) One of the attributes of a perfect investment is that it produces an income which compensates for
the eroding effects of inflation.
e) The local authority is one of the members of the property development team in the development of
private estates such as town houses.
f) The real property market is an omnibus term that covers all transactions in real property. However, it
is possible to distinguish sub-markets according to the characteristics of each.
g) Overtime, amongst other things, demand for land resources is brought about by changes in size and
composition of the population.
h) Any new development, or change in use, in urban areas under local authority jurisdiction usually do
not require planning consent.
i) The three primary reasons for owning landed property are as an investment, showing off (prestige)
and charity purposes.
j) The two main legal interests in land are sub-leasehold and servitude.
Second Opportunity Examination Paper
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July 2024