Question 1
With reference to your society, differentiate between the concepts in 1.1 and 1.2 below:
1.1 Material and non-material culture
1.2 Prejudice and discrimination
1.3 Define patriarchy.
Question 2
According to the preliminary results of the Namibian 2023 Census, the Namibian
population increased to 3 million from 2.1 million people in 2011. Given this, describe
the reasons for the change in the Namibian population. Illustrate your answer with
relevant examples.
Question 3
To understand how the minority and the dominant groups interact, sociologists
developed some models. With the use of relevant examples, identify and discuss these
Question 4
Differentiate between gender socialisation and gender stratification. With motivations
and examples from your society, discuss whether there is a link between these two
Question 5
Culture is formed up by different components. With reference to your culture, describe
the components of culture you have learned.
Question 6
Sociological perspectives are used to shed light on the role different social institutions
play in the society. These perspectives are as follows: structural-functional approach,
social-conflict approach, and symbolic interactional approach. Based on the above,
apply the structural-functional approach to explain the role the family plays in your
society. Motivate your answer with relevant examples.