Question 1 [10 Marks]
(a) How does security analytics move beyond data gathering to its visualization? [2 marks]
(b) Why are tools and methods for security analytics never adequate to provide complete
[2 Marks]
(c) Identify and explain any two (2) key drivers of security analytics in today's business
[4 marks]
(d) What would you present as an argument for the increased hype in big data in the context
of the business world today?
[2 marks]
Question 2 [ 10 Marks]
(a) What does it mean to say Python is an interpreted programming language? [2 marks]
(b) The high-le·vel overview of the steps for setting up and running a simulation in Arena are as
1. Design and create the model,
2. Add data and parameters to the model,
3. Run the simulation, and
4. Analyse the simulation.
Explain what steps 1 and 3 entails in more detail.
[8 marks]
Question 3 {10 marks]
(a) The dataset M consists of all possible email messages and the label is binary variable. Let
the label 0 indicate a legitimate mail and the label 1 indicate a spam mail. A target
function f (.) is required to tell us whether a particular email message m is a spam 1 or a
legitimate mail 0. We search for a function/: M {0, 1}, by training one of the machine
learning algorithms on a set of n labelled messages {(m1,/1),(m2,/2), ...,(mn,/n)},
where mi EM and Ii E{0,1} for 1SiSn.
i. What machine learning model is described here and why?
[2 marks]
ii. Why is the model you indicated in (a) suitable for this typical cybersecurity
application compared to its alternative?
[2 marks]
iii. Which cybersecurity dataset example will not be applicable to use the model in
(i) and why?
[3 marks]
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