Cadastral Surveying 2
Question 4
(a) Which numerical data shall be indicated on a diagram? (Any four(4) types.
(b) State FULLYthe requirements for survey by means of SBPtechniques.
(c) What are the guidelines for recording lengths and directions on a general plan.
Question 5
(a) Regulation 15 provides specifications for beacons. However, there are certain circumstances that
require a land surveyor to deviate from the general specifications of beacons due to the nature of
the ground where the position of the beacon falls. Outline ANY THREEof the special conditions and
how they shall be handled in terms of modifications to the general specification of beacons. (6)
(b) When a land surveyor is prevented from obtaining access to the middle of a river forming a
boundary explain how he or she may determine the boundary.
Name ANY 6 components of survey records.
Question 6
(All questions relate to Act 32 of 1993. Any reference to COUNCIL in this question refers to the Namibian
Council of Professional Land Surveyors, Technical Surveyors and Survey Technicians).
(a) The register of practitioners shall consist of different categories of practitioners under Act 32 of
1993. State all of them.
(b) Name ANY 5 acts or offences that for disciplinary proceedings against a professional land surveyor
constitute professional misconduct.
First Opportunity Examination
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