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n Am I BI A u n IVE RS ITV
Department of Governance and Management Sciences
QUALIFICATION: Bachelor of Business and Information Administration
COURSE: Business Applications 2B
DATE: November 2023
SESSION: Practical Paper
MARKS: 100
Ms L Beukes
Ms P Witbeen
1. Answer ALL the questions.
2. Read all the questions carefully before answering.
3. Make sure your name, surname, question number and the date
appear in the Header and Footer.
THIS _!_EST PAPER CONSISTS OF i PAGES (Excluding this front page)

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Question 1
November 2023
Question 1
Marks: 35
Retrieve Question 1 with the Track Changes from your folder and adhere to the
instructions. Ensure that you execute all the instructions and that you don't leave out
any important information. Use normal margins and the font.
1. Change the font of the Document to Comic Sans, font size 12, s/s.
2. Adhere to all the typing rules.
3. Use the following Heading styles for the Table of Content:
Introduction: Heading 1 (Comic Sans, Black, Font size 16, Bold)
Paragraph Headings 1, 2, 3 and 4 - Heading 2 (Comic Sans, Black,
and Font size 14, Bold)
Paragraph Headings 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 - Heading 3 (Comic Sans,
Black, Font size 12)
4. Insert Page numbers except for the first page (Top of page - center)
5. Insert diagonal watermark: ORIGINAL (keep default font,
6. Use Automatic Table2 for the Table of Content.
7. Insert Networld Computer Logo in the top right corner (Find logo in
the same folder as the link).
8. Insert Reference List

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Question 1
November 2023
INetworld Computers cdl _____________________--_-_--_-_--_-_--_-_--_-_--_-_--_-_--_-_--_-_--------_--._-.---C-o-m--mented [BL1): UseWord Art to create a letter head
for this article:
IHI Fill: Gray, Accent Color 3, Sharp Bevel
system or network, usually to gain unauthorized access to personal or organizational
Commented IBLZJ: Insert Drop cap, 2 lines, bold
Hacking is not always a flaSty-malicious activity, but the term has mostly negative
connotations due to its association with [cybercrim~----------------··------·----···-··-·-···-··-···-·--···
1.Hacking for Different Reasons
As discussed in previous chapters, there areis more than one reason why hackers
do what they do. Most hackers will attempt to access systems for a challenge, out of
Commented [BL3J: Insert reference link for this journal
curiosity, or for more malicious reasons.
The only true way to defend your system is to look at it through the eyes of your
enemy, the intruder. A number of automated utilities can probe your networks to look
for common exposures and vulnerabilities. One of the foremost freeware tools is a
package called Nessus.
2.Maximize the Access
A skilled ~intruder
appreciates principles of strategy and will not rush into a
system without careful preparation and planning. These rootkits will do everything
from installing Trojan programs to mod-ifyiflg--log&
4.The Five Phases of Hacking
even the boldest intruders will not rush in to a site •Nithout careful preparation. Skilled
intruders will assemble a number of strategic and tactical attack maps by which they
can acquire information on a target system or network.
!4.1Creating an Attack Map
When preparing to pest-mount any attack, it is always advisable to know the terrain.
4.2Building an Execution Plan
When building an attack execution plan, one must take into account the following
factors: I·-----·--------·---······················-······--·-·-··---·------------------------------------·----··--·-.-···-
V\\vulnerable service must be presently running and accept connections from
the rest of the Internet.
Exploits used must not entail any form of denial of service (DoS), which would
.•-i give away the attack.I_____._____·_-----------------------·-·····-·-········-·--··-------------------. __ Commented
[BL4): Insert double line space between
[BLS]: Insert bullets.d/s

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Question 1
November 2023
4.3 Defacing Web Sites
Once a hacker has access to a site, he may perform any number of actions. A
common perception of hackers is that they are after some form of sensitive data,
such as proprietary information, credit card numbers, or other personal information
that can be used for identity theft.

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Question 2
November 2023
Question 2
Retrieve the following spreadsheet named "Namibia Repair Services" and
adhere to the following instructions. Change font to Arial and size 12.
In front of you, you have Sheet 1 and Sheet 2
1. Namibia Repair Services is a new Motor Spares company in Windhoek. Two
new repair branches were opened recently, one in Swakopmund and one in
Windhoek. The prices of the products differ slightly from the two branches.
2. As the Office Administrator, you are tasked to combined the total prices of the
two branches. Insert another sheet which will be for the totals.
Rename the following sheets:
Sheet 1 - Windhoek Motor Spares
Sheet 2 - Swakop Motor Spares
Sheet 3 - Totals
Copy sheet 1, Windhoek Motor Spares to sheet 3. Delete all columns except
Suppliers. Add another column and rename it as Total Prices. Please calculate
the prices of both Motor Spares (Windhoek & Swakop) and insert it in the Total
Prices sheet.
3. Formatting Sheet 3 (Totals):
3.1 Insert two rows:
1st Row - Insert Heading - Namibia Repair Services (u/c, Bold, font Arial Black,
size 16, merge & centre).
3.2 Column Headings (Arial, Bold, Font size 14) with background color of White
background 1, 15%.
3.3 Please apply a custom number format for the numbers to show a comma
separator for the Total Prices Colum and add two decimals.
3.4. Apply a custom number format to show the N$ currency sign on all the figures.

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Question 2
November 2023
3.5 Row Height:
Column Headings row height- 40 pixels
Rest of rows - 30 pixels
Insert all borders to the table.
Formatting for Filtering:
4. Copy Sheet 2, Swakop Motor Spares to a new workbook and rename the sheet
as Original.
4.1 Change the font to Arial, Font size 12.
4.2 Insert two-line spaces on top and add the heading - Namibia Repair Services in
the first line (Merge and Centre, Bold, Font Size 16, Font Arial).
4.3 Insert All Borders (excluding the Main headings)
4.4 Row Height:
Column Headings - 45 pixels
Rest of table - 30 pixels
4.5 Column Headings - bold the column headings and insert background color -
White Background 1, Darker 15%
4.6 Apply a custom number format to show the N$ currency sign on all the figures
and add two decimals.
5. Copy the Original sheet five times and do the following filtering and rename
5.1 Sheet 2 (Suppliers) - Display the items which begins with the letter T.
5.2 Sheet 3 (Date of Payment) - Show only the dates between 15 September 2022 to
15 February 2023.
5.3 Sheet 4 (Payments)- Please show all cash payments.
5.4 Sheet 5 (Product) - Please display all products which contains the letter "u".
5.5 Sheet 6 (Amount) - Display the prices less than 450.
6. Insert the header for each sheet.
7. Resize all columns to fit on one sheet.
8. Print all filtered sheets in portrait.

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Question 3
November 2023
Question 3
Marks: 30
You are the owner of your own small business. Please create an informative,
attractive flyer with tear-offs to insert contacts, using Ms Publisher 2016.
1. Use the flyer template Modular under the category Events.
2. Use colour scheme: Apex.
3. Please follow all instructions carefully to ensure an attractive Flyer.
4. Replace Product/Service Information with Hadassah Oil Launch (u/c, bold,
default font).
5. Insert the crown logo ~next
to the heading Hadassah Oil Launch from
the folder "Hadassah Oil" and resize to fit - 0.19cm" (Height).
6. Replace Business Name with "LexisNexis" use default font and font size.
7. Delete all spaces and place holders except Organization and Business
Tagline or Motto in the template and adhere to all the instructions.
8. Insert the following pie on the top right: resize 7.11 cm (Height).
:. :,~l·!: .;,,.~~ril : ~, t1,·.~
~;~, ~Jf>7 \\, ..
1 ....,,..... ~"'1 v
_I_ 4.\\ '- ~v .....J...
Healing Oils
9. Use a textbox to insert the following information on the left of the Hadassah
Healing Oils picture. Use Diagonal Gradient -Accent 4 Shape Style to format
the textbox.
--- OSHAKATI SEMINAR •~--+-----Font:
Eras Bod ITC, 14, Cent
20 November 2023 ;:=,--
Font: Georgia, size 12, cent
Lechi Wheeler_

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Question 3
November 2023
10. Insert a textbox under the info in nr 9 with the following text:
Essential oils are concentrated
plant extracts from steamed
distillation called pressing or
resin tapping.
Font: Georgia, size 12, cent
No borders
11. Insert a textbox below the information in nr 10 with the following text:
What is Essential Oils Suitable For?
Essential oils work on every system in your body. They are used not only for
symptomatic treatment like (pain, migraine, sleep aid, mood balance, immunity,
fungus, stress, high blood pressure, etc.) but also work deeper into the cellular
structures. Many people believe they are great as add-on therapy, but when you
look at them in their original design and function, they are the core therapy working
on all three levels of the human being (spirit, soul, and body). They deprogram and
reprogram miswritten cellular programs and memories. They are working far
deeper than symptomatically. Thus, they work on the program written in the DNA,
and we formulate our blends to work symptomatically and treat more profound into
the specific disease program.
Formatting Textbox:
• Shape Style: Linear Up Gradient - Accent 2.
• Type text in font Calibri, size 11.
• Ensure that textbox is properly centred.
• Resize Textbox:
Height - 5.91cm
• Width - 15.1cm
12. Add three (3) textboxes next to each other at the bottom above the tear-offs.
12.1 Textbox 1 - Height 2.13cm, Width - 3.22cm (no borders)
Insert the following information:
o Venue (u/c, bold, font: Georgia, size 12, cent)
o Roof Top Venue, 18 Wagner Street, Pioneerspark (u/c, bold, font:
Georgia, size 10, cent)

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Question 3
November 2023
12.2 Textbox 2 - Height 2.02cm, Width - 2.93cm (no borders)
Insert the following information:
Time: (u/c, Bold, Font: Georgia, size 12, cent)
09:00-16:00 (Font: Georgia, size 10, cent)
12.3 Textbox 3 - Height 1.93cm, Width - 3.89cm (no borders)
Insert the following information:
Price: (u/c, Bold, Font: Georgia, size 12, cent)
N$250 per person (Font: Georgia, size 10, cent)
13. Delete orga~tion
and replace with
(logo in folder).
Replace "Business Tagline or Motto" with
"Your name is oil poured forth "(Font: Georgia, font size 10, bold, italic)
14. Insert image of Hadassah Bottle Oil in the bottom right corner (find image in
Height - 3.69cm
Width - 1.34cm
15. Insert your full Name and student number in the tear-offs.
16. Print your flyer.