1.7. In DNA molecule, which of the following bonds is true?
A. the [G] = [C]
B. the (G+C] = [A+T]
C. the (G] = (A]
D. none of the above are true
1.8. During DNA synthesis, the addition of a new nucleotide to a newly formed DNA strand
always proceeds in which direction?
A. from the promoter
B. in either direction
C. in the 3' to 5' direction
D. in the 5' to 3' direction
1.9. Which of the following statements is true on the role of the enzyme ligase during the
replication of a DNA molecule?
A. remove the RNA primer
B. to stabilise the single-stranded structure
C. to link Okazaki fragments together
D. to unwind the original DNA molecule
Which of the following statements about transposons during gene recombination is
not true?
A. during transposition a short sequence of target DNA is duplicated, and the
transposon is inserted between the directly repeated target sequences
B. some transposons insert into almost any target DNA sequence
C. the actions of transposases go on indefinitely without interruption
D. transposons are important genetic elements because they cause mediate genomic
In transcription, RNA polymerase binds at?
A. a promoter
B. an operator
C. the centromere
D. an enhancer
Which of the following statements best describes the Central Dogma theory in genetics?
A. the pattern of genetic information flow in the cell
B. the pattern of chromosomal inheritance in populations
C. the role of mutations in disease
D. the role of promoters
Which statements below best describe the role of the enzyme resolvases in genetic
A. catalyses transposon movement to another part of the genome
B. catalyses transposon formation in gene recombination
C. represses the actio.n of transposase
D. speeds up the action of transposase
Genetics (GEN6025)
1" Opportunity - November 2023