Planning Theory 1
Question 1
(a) In your opinion, explain the importance of planning theory in regional development.
(b) Briefly describe three main objectives of development.
Question 2
(a) ClassicTheories of Economic Development involves four Approaches to explain development/
underdevelopment. Briefly differentiate between these approaches.
(b) Describe the Dualism Theory of modernisation.
(c) Briefly discuss at least four limitations of the dualism theory of modernisation.
(d) Concerning dependency theory, elaborate on the following statement: "Underdevelopment of
third world countries is the consequence of the development of the capitalist world".
Question 3
(a) Elaborate on the following Regional development theory concepts. In your discussion, provide
one appropriate example for each concept:
Spread Effects.
Backwash effects.
(b) Core Regions exercise a decisive influence on the periphery and consolidate their influence
through six effects as espoused by John Friedmann through the Core/Centre - Periphery
Concept of Regional Development. Briefly discuss how these six effects.
Question 4
(a) How do large urban settlements affect the emergence and growth of small settlements?
(b) Explain the rules of functional hierarchies of settlements.
(c) The Urban Functions in Rural Development (UFRD) approach is a process of regional spatial
analysis that gathers information about four basic questions. Briefly explain these four basic
Second Opportunity Question Paper
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July 2022