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Honourable Speaker of the National Assembly
Your Excellencies, Members of the Diplomatic Corps
Members of the Media
Fellow Namibians
It is with a heavy heart that I address the nation today to talk about a matter that has
become an issue of national concern. I am referring to the escalating brutality and
violence directed against Namibian women and girls, by Namibian men.
Since the attainment of our independence, our country has won admiration, as a
beacon of stability, peace and security. Our freedom was achieved through the
sacrifices of both Namibian men and women.
It is, therefore, regrettable that hardly a day passes without reports of murder, rape,
beatings or other forms of violence against Namibian women and girls by men.
These SICKENING acts are taking place in almost all parts of the country, involving
perpetrators and victims of all age groups.
As a result, the nation has become outraged and angry about the senseless killings
and escalating violence.
We must remember, that Article 6 of the Namibian Constitution, states that the right
to life shall be respected and protected. Men should, therefore, refrain from actions,
that will disturb that peace and destroy, rather than build our country.
It is my hope, that the implementation of immediate measures, will add momentum to
our efforts aimed at addressing gender-based violence, in our country.